(SPEECH) Music (DESCRIPTION) Logo transitions in (SPEECH) Our number one goal at Berkshire Bank is to deepen our customer relationships. And one of the ways that we feel has really helped us do that is by providing our customers with a Berkshire bank credit card in their wallet. (DESCRIPTION) Front of bank from the outside Heather Lashway, SVP Retail Distribution Strategy speaking from an office (SPEECH) We started partnering with Elan in March of 2010. And our partnership has been outstanding. It's been so great, we decided to renew our contract with Elan until 2020. (DESCRIPTION) Tami Gunsch, EVP Retail Banking, speaking from an office Walking towards an associate and shaking hands Sitting at a conference table with an associate (SPEECH) Our partnership with Elan has really been an extension of our team, we leverage all of the tools to make us successful and growing our customer relationships. Those tools include the client Resource Center for our team members, the direct mail, and also the training that we provide to really help them become experts in matching the right product with the right customer. (DESCRIPTION) Heather Lashway, SVP Retail Distribution Strategy speaking from an office Transitions to her speaking to a bank associate in an office and looking at the computer monitor together Close up of computer monitor Zooms out to a shot from the doorway of the office with the two associates still speaking And back to the desk (SPEECH) At our branch, we love to use the client Resource Center, it has a lot of excellent tools that helps the team match the customers needs to what we can provide. (DESCRIPTION) Nick Dicaprio, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager, speaking from an office (SPEECH) There's a website that the team goes on, they have a quiz on there, which actually earns them points and gift cards. So that's very nice. We make sure that every team member understands what the promotion is, the campaign and of course, the benefits of the Elan credit cards. (DESCRIPTION) Sandee Hill, Vice President, Regional Manager, speaking from an office Transitions to a shot of Ms. Hill with a team member looking at the computer To a shot of the monitor/screen on it's own (SPEECH) My branch's favorite thing to use is the balance transfer calculator, we can tell a customer that they can save up to $1,500. In some cases, with 0% interest for up to 12 months, that has a much greater impact than just telling them there's a promotion on this credit card. The team loves it, the customers get excited when they can save that much money. (DESCRIPTION) Nick Dicaprio, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager, speaking from an office Transitions to a shot from the outside of the office of Mr. Dicaprio speaking to a customer Back to him speaking from an office Transitions to him at the teller desk with an associate (SPEECH) Elan actually offers a great opt in campaign, quarterly. And we piggyback on that at Berkshire bank by doing our own internal branch campaigns. It just gets the employees more engaged. (DESCRIPTION) Sandee Hill, Vice President, Regional Manager, voiceover Transitions to a shot of Ms. Hill speaking to Mr. Dicaprio across a desk in an office (SPEECH) It helps us to be very successful in planning. And we actually plan ahead throughout the year to be able to select the campaigns that will work best for us and for our team to drive additional growth in revenue in the branches. And with the reporting and the updates that we received from Elan it allows us to incorporate it into our weekly communications with our branch teams. (DESCRIPTION) Heather Lashway, SVP Retail Distribution Strategy speaking from an office Transitions to her walking down a hallway with a bank associate To Ms. Lashway speaking to a bank associate from across a desk (SPEECH) That helps immensely in not only sharing the successes of the people that are doing very well and their best practices. But it also shows us maybe the ones that have more opportunities and we're able to help. (DESCRIPTION) Sandee Hill, Vice President, Regional Manager, speaking from an office (SPEECH) Our team is always excited whenever there's a promotion, it's not uncommon for our results to double, triple or even quadruple during a promotional period. (DESCRIPTION) Nick Dicaprio, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager, voiceover viewing computer monitor with promotion results Transitions to Mr. Decaprio speaking from an office (SPEECH) Over the last six years Berkshire bank had the opportunity to participate in Elan opt in direct mail program. That program has been very successful, it contributed 20% of our overall growth. Since the program launched with Elan back in 2010. Berkshire bank has generated 24,000 new card holders for approximately 38 million in outstanding balances. Our customers are really invested in us now that they're all carrying their Berkshire bank credit card. (DESCRIPTION) Tami Gunsch, EVP Retail Banking, voiceover Outside shot of the bank clock Transitions to Ms. Gunsch speaking at a table to an associate from within an office To her speaking from an office Transitions to bank teller area and into a consumer credit card brochure Back to Ms. Gunsch speaking from an office (SPEECH) Every team member at our branch can assist the customer from start to finish. The sales process is easy. The application process is simplified. Our tellers can process an application in under five minutes in most cases. (DESCRIPTION) Nick Dicaprio, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager, voiceover viewing computer monitor with a bank teller Transitions to Mr. Decaprio speaking from an office (SPEECH) We have great partners that we work with on a daily basis if there's a need that we have, or an idea that we'd like to explore. We reach out to our partners, and we're able to brainstorm together and make it happen. We've shared a lot of ideas. And as we've grown over the last several years, that's been something that has been very important to us that our partner could keep up with our growth as we expand throughout the New England and New York markets. (DESCRIPTION) Heather Lashway, SVP Retail Distribution Strategy voiceover Two people speaking from across a table Transitions to Ms. Lashway speaking from an office (SPEECH) Berkshire bank sees future opportunity with a line between the branch and employee engagement, the training and the acquisition channels. (DESCRIPTION) Tami Gunsch, EVP Retail Banking, voiceover Outside shot of the bank Transitions to two different shots of two associates speaking at a table from within an office (SPEECH) Overall at Berkshire bank, our team members are very excited about our partnership with Elan. The products are very competitive. The training is excellent. And the campaigns motivate them every day to provide this as a service to our customers. It's a win win for all of us. (DESCRIPTION) Heather Lashway, SVP Retail Distribution Strategy, speaking from an office (SPEECH) Music fades out (DESCRIPTION) Elan Logo